The British armies as a whole were not gloomy at the approach of that
new phase of war which they called "The Great Push," as though
it were to be a glorified football-match. It is difficult, perhaps impossible,
to know the thoughts of vast masses of men moved by some sensational
adventure. But a man would be a liar if he pretended that British troops
went forward to the great attack with hangdog looks or any visible sign
of fear in their souls. I think most of them were uplifted by the belief
that the old days of trench warfare were over forever and that they
would break the enemy's lines by means of that enormous gun-power behind
them, and get him "on the run." There would be movement, excitement,
triumphant victories -- and then the end of the war. In spite of all
risks it would be enormously better than the routine of the trenches.
They would be getting on with the job instead of standing still and
being shot at by invisible earth-men.
"If we once get the Germans in the open we shall go straight through
That was the opinion of many young officers at that time, and for once
they agreed with their generals.
It seemed to be a question of getting them in the open, and I confess
that when I studied the trench maps and saw the enemy's defensive earthworks
thirty miles deep in one vast maze of trenches and redoubts and barbed
wire and tunnels I was appalled at the task which they were being asked
to do.
They had not seen, then, those awful maps.
The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment parading for
the trenches. See larger
image. |
We were at the height and glory of our strength. Out of England had
come the flower of our youth, and out of Scotland and Wales and Canada
and Australia and New Zealand. Even out of Ireland, with the 16th Division
of the south and west, and the 36th of Ulster. The New Armies were made
up of all the volunteers who had answered the call to the colors, not
waiting for the conscription by class, which followed later. They were
the ardent ones, the young men from office, factory, shop, and field,
university and public school. The best of our intelligence were there,
the noblest of our manhood, the strength of our hearth, the beauty of
our soul, in those battalions which soon were to be flung into the explosive