Germania Broadcast 1927-1967
Tribute to daddy celebrating his first broadcast of the Germania Broadcast over 90 years ago. Basically the information is broken down into four categories: 1) Events; 2) People; 3) Places; 4) Library (Documents). We've also got tapes from the period -- maybe even one of me speaking German at 12 yrs old -- which we'll put up shortly.
Recruitment Calendar & Mapping
Transformation of the UIC Recruitment Calendar from a Google Spreadsheet to a highly interactive set of maps along with a tailor-made internal reporting tool. General reaction from all those involved, "that's so cool!" (Web Archive)
Slides, Slides, Slides
Slides are a routine thing I do as part of my digital content responsibilities. Depending on the news item and related artwork, I put together a draft; I send it to whoever's in charge for feedback. They'll have a suggestion (actually more than one). I'll tweak the draft and send it back to them. Finally the thing will go up -- far better thanks to this back-and-forth communication. Did I mention I enjoy doing this? (Web Archive)
Voicemail from Tony
Fun with video. Old friend (and well known cartoonist) Tony Millionaire makes the mistake of leaving a message on my answering machine. (Personal - Adobe Premier, Adobe AfterEx).
Why UIC? - Student Videos
Video production including motion graphics and distribution on YouTube of students explaining why they chose UIC. Created for the UIC Admissions and Records website. (UIC - Adobe Premier, Adobe AfterEx).
Standards Based Change Process
Introduction to the academic program to improve student literacy which combined faculty and staff from the College of Education at UIC together with teachers from the Chicago Public School system. Video production by Leo Klein. (UIC - Adobe Premier, Adobe AfterEx).
UIC Office of Admissions & Records
UIC Admissions & Records site redesign -- first site to use 'Responsive Design' at UIC. (Spring 2012).
Citizen Action Illinois
Website for the well known statewide advocacy group, Citizen Action IL. The goal was to automate an operation that formerly consisted almost entirely of web links & PDF files. Successful integration included training staff to feel comfortable with directly adding content themselves. See write-up. (Fall 2010).
SchoolRise USA
Website for the nationwide consulting firm on childhood education and literacy, SchoolRise USA. (Summer 2011).
UIC Office of Admissions & Records
Another year, another urgent redesign of the website for UIC's Office of Admission & Records (OAR) to bring it into conformity with University design standards. (Winter 2011).
UIC Office of Admissions & Records
Urgent redesign of the website for UIC's Office of Admission & Records (OAR) to bring it into conformity with University design standards. The back-end runs on Dreamweaver/Contribute. See write-up. (Fall 2009).
Debbie Halvorson for Congress
Congressional campaign website for Debbie Halvorson (IL-11) for the 2008 Campaign Cycle. Used Drupal for Content management. Campaign Staff can add images to any content type (eg. press release, blog post, etc.) They can also designate any post as "spotlight" for the 'In Focus' section on the front page. See write-up. (Spring 2008).
John Pavich for Congress
Complete design and development of this website for a candidate running for national office in the 2006 campaign cycle. Extensive customization of the Content Management System to meet the needs of a campaign, using Drupal, PHP and MySQL. (Spring 2006).
Partnership READ (UIC)
Partnership READ is a collaborative project between UIC and the Chicago Public School system to improve literacy. (Win 2005). This standards-based website uses CSS positioning for layout, validates as XHTML transitional and is Section 508 (Accessibility) compliant. (Winter 2005).
Illinois for Kerry Web Site
Design and implementation of online presence in support of John Kerry for President -- initially in the Chicagoland area and later for the entire state of Illinois (Summer-Fall 2004).
Newman Library News
One of the earliest implementations of a blog using an RSS feed in a library context. Blogger was used to write and publish the posts while on the library-side, the XML was converted to HTML for automatic incorporation into library web pages. The article was added automatically to the News Section, the headline appeared on the library's home page and an RSS file was created for syndication. (Baruch College Library, CUNY, Winter 2002).
Battle of the Somme (1916)
Final project for ITP (ITP, Fall 2001; Director 8 & Flash 4).
African-Native Americans : We are Still Here
Photographs by Louis Meyer with commentary by Eve Winddancer. Available through Newman Library's Digital Collections. This, together with Redscare (1918-1920), was featured in the April 6, 1999 issue of the Scout Report. It is also featured as a "Best Web site" in Africa Encarta's article on Native Americans. (Baruch College Library, CUNY, Spr. 1999)
Red Scare (1918-1921): an Image Database
This started out as a project while at library school at Queens College, CUNY (Spr. '97). It is now available through Newman Library's Digital Collections. This, together with African-Native Americans, was featured in the April 6, 1999 issue of the Scout Report. It was also a "Yahoo Pick of the Web" for April 12, 1999.
Bobst Library Databases
Original design and arrangement of online databases at Bobst Library, NYU. (Bobst, Fall 1997)
Faux ITP (Just for Fun)
Variation on an old theme. Done for "Designing for Convergence" (ITP, TSOA, NYU; Spr. 1999; Flash 3.0).
London : 1665 : Year of Plague
Based on the novel Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe, this demo using Macromedia's Flash creates the framework for looking at the period through various aspect including history, culture and art. Done as a final project for "Electronic Publishing" (Sum '98) at the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), Tisch School of the Arts, NYU. (Flash 2.0) (screenshots here).
Animations for Reuters 3000xtra
Animated Gifs from an instructional tutorial on the financial tool Reuters 3000xtra. Part of an Introduction to Reuters 3000xtra by Prof. Lewis Liu (Baruch College Library, CUNY, Fall 2001)